11 October 2011

Painting At My Fingertips

Tiger Sunshine
I may have mentioned in the past that I rather like technology, but to tell the truth, I absolutely love it and believe there is room for it as part of an artist's equipment if you aren't too much of a traditionalist.

I can spend hours fiddling about on a computer working on designs trying to get them right, deleting bits that don't work and undoing things until I find the image I liked before I ruined it. So much to my surprise, and utter delight, I got my grubby paws on an iPad; and it took me all of one day to realise I could use it, amongst many, many things, as a sketch book.

Here are some paintings I did with my fingers on the little electronic iPad marvel. It felt wonderful working with my fingertips (and not having to wash up afterwards).

I have been exploring the potential for just a week now and have loads of ideas and possibilities buzzing about in my head already.

As I said before, I love technology.

Thank you Steve Jobs. RIP.